Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lets get Physical

Physical. I want to get physical. Lets get into physical. Let me hear your body talk. Your body talk - let me hear your body talk.

OK. Enough of that.

First physical thing to discuss:

Sleep - I can't get enough of it. I can sleep for 10 hours without waking up. My body loves it. I've gone to the doctor before because I think it's ridiculous that I can exercise at night, drink caffeine at night, and what-have-you and still when my head hits the pillow, I crash. Like I haven't had sleep in forever. Don't they say that if you fall asleep too easily then you are sleep deprived. Seriously?! I couldn't give my body more sleep if I tried. I'm not anemic and don't have a thyroid problem because the doctor and my blood work say so (but wouldn't it be great if the doctor gave me meds which allowed me to require less sleep and made me lose weight). I'm not depressed (I have the DSM and could diagnose myself if need be). I'm quite happy actually. Maybe I like cuddling too much - Cody sleeps a lot too. Maybe I'm lazy? But that would only explain why its hard to get out of bed, not my ease in falling asleep.

Why am I tired if I only get 7.5 hours of sleep? This crazy body of mine. Is it because no morning sun hits my bedroom? I think the answer is found in the fact that my sister needs a lot of sleep too. She can even be found in bed at 7:45 pm. We'll blame genetics. My college professor anyways said, sleep needs vary between individuals - some may need 6 and some 9 (or 10 if you are talking about yours truly).

Second physical thing:

Exercise - My mother told me I needed to get more healthy because I'm never really healthy to be honest. I've always had a weak immune system and seem to always have a low grade something - which isn't contagious (just ask Cody) - but which is annoying and stupid. My mother told me I should eat better, sleep more (which I've already discussed), and work-out (I think she was suggesting these with the hidden agenda of telling me I needed to lose weight - just a hunch). She said she thought I couldn't run 3 miles without stopping. I protested and she persisted. And last night I proved her wrong - on my first try. I ran 3 miles without stopping. Not my best time by any means (32 minutes), but not bad for a little sicky who hasn't been running in some time. Boo ya Mama!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Dont you love when you prove your mother wrong? :)
    You have always been a sleeper since they day I first meet you. Falling asleep on the couch or anywhere for that matter. Enjoy it while it lasts!
