Sunday, January 31, 2010

Justin Timberlake a Mormon?

So, I'm sitting in church as an invited guest to the singles ward (seriously, I received an invitation) and in walks Justin Timberlake. He is accompanied by his lovely elephant. I'm not phased by the celebrity or animal. Mind you I visit daily and even a dog in church would catch my eye the entire meeting, but I hardly even acknowledge their entrance. He sits right next to me. Indifference.

Church is televised and everyone from the Newport Coast Ward is present, along with Justin and his elephant. Church is always televised in this case. Justin is a member of my church and he is being very reverent. I notice loud whispers and have to scold Sarah Crosby (a former member of the ward), who is sitting up front and being very distracting (she never would be in reality). She makes eye contact with me and I mouth "be quiet" and she leaves the meeting in tears. I'm not phased.

I then notice that Justin, who has been immovable, is now writing and stealing poems from the church screen for music lyrics. I AM phased. I tell him he is stealing. He, however, is unphased by my accusations. He proceeds to ASK ME OUT. I decline. I DECLINE!!! I don't care he asked me out, only that he is stealing. I don't care he asked me out because I have a ring on my ring finger (which I hide from everyone?). Cody is not in the dream, but I am married to him (he must have not received an invitation to the ward).

I wake up from my bizarre slumber. What was that? My mind is in a crazy place. You have to wander what I dream about all those times I don't remember. I tell Cody about my very vivid and weird dream. He doesn't really react and IS NOT PHASED THAT I DECLINED JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, FOR HIM! I tell you, Cody doesn't get how lucky he really is. I mean, even my subconscious is faithful when faced with the opportunity to date the angelically voiced Timberlake, even in the wake of his Hope for Haiti performance. I've seen him in concert people - and he has some serious moves.

I am posting this dream as a way of rewarding myself, by publicly showing my devotion as illustrated in this dream, and as a means of remembering that at this time in my life - nothing is more desirable than my husband. That everything in life can be altered (elephants in church, church only being televised, Justin Timberlake a mormon, and me not caring I made someone tear), but I would never change the fact that I'm married to Cody. How can you not appreciate that?! I wonder.

1 comment:

  1. oh robin, i do so miss the recounting of your dreams in our BU days. You do have some crazy ones. Hilarious about JT. Sadly, i don't dream very often anymore...i think it is because i am not asleep long enough to dream due to Anna being a horrible sleeper. These days i get so excited when i wake up in the morning and realize, hey, i had a dream last night!
