Saturday, January 16, 2010

Honeymoon - Spain, Day 4

Today we had to be at the ship by 2pm, so we decided to enjoy breakfast, pack, and then leave our suitcases at the front desk so we could see the Cathedral of Barcelona (aka the Cathetral of Santa Eulalia) before we started heading toward the port. The cathedral was across the street from our hotel the whole time, but we kept pushing our visit off the schedule for the exact reason that it was close and could be done last minute. But no more time to spare, and now down to our last minutes, we had to make it to the church on time, especially since the cathedral had no entrance fees before noon. So off we went across the street, set for a perfect, non-expensive visit.

The cathedral has traditional Gothic style. Here are the exterior shots.

Unfortunately, the facade was covered in scaffolding (of course) - but this is what it looks like.

The front door was super cool. Click to make these pictures bigger so you can see the details.

We didn't have too much time inside because they were closing the cathedral for a couple of hours to then open it again for paying visitors. In addition, our camera was running out of batteries so enjoy these rushed pictures.

The Cathedral seems to go on and on outside of the actual structure. Here are pictures of the surrounding structures.

We went back to the hotel, got our luggage, and dragged it all the way to the Port. I refuse to pay for a cab. If I had requested, Cody would have gotten us one, but I started being frugal with Cody's money the day I said "I do" to his engagement proposal. While we were engaged, Cody started noticing I stopped ordering drinks while out to eat. Well - HELLO!! Of course!! I ain't paying for a 3.00 diet coke. That's just crazy, but I'd let someone else buy it for me. But his money is my money now. And I don't want to waste it on laziness. So dragging we went. And went. And went. And realized that the port was farther than we thought. But we eventually made it and I will soon post pictures of our first evening dining in and discovering our AMAZING room and ship.

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