Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sweet, Caroline...

My sister gave birth to our niece, Caroline Margaret Davis on December 9th and today she was blessed in church. Cody participated in the blessing and the family gathered at my sister's after for some delicious food. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!! We are crazy, talkative, fun, close, and simply put - the best (not that I'm biased or anything). :-)

Here are some photos from today. If Caroline looks miniature, it's because she is! She was roughly 5 weeks early and was in the NICU for a couple of weeks. She's doubled in size and yet people still say she looks like a newborn. All I can say is you should have seen her at 4 pounds 15 ounces. Talk about a peanut!! She looks so much bigger now! Plus, my sister Brooke is petite (like under 5 feet people, but shhhh, she doesn't want to talk about it) and I'm no giant myself. Oh, and by the way, Caroline's blessing outfit was the same as the one my sister wore when she was blessed.

These next photos are just funny. The first is of Joshua telling us to "wash our hands" or use purell before coming near Caroline. Then Luke wanted to be Captian Hook and therefore put on his silly hat. The one of him, in the hat, with Cody, is so funny. Look at Cody's facial expression. Luke took the picture of Redge and the one of Caroline and me. I don't know if we should be concerned when the kids we love want to play the "bad guy" instead of the hero. Why be Captain Hook when you can be Peter Pan?! Peter Pan flies and stays a kids forever and plays all day long with his friends, and is a good guy. Hook has no friends, only one hand, gets eaten by a crock, and is a bad guy. It makes no sense to me!

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