Sunday, February 7, 2010


Last night I woke up at 4:11 am. I probably woke up because I was hot. I went to bed with socks on and so I ripped them off, reconnected with my pillow, and closed my eyes. Unexpectedly, and quite alarming, I felt shakes. My mind went racing.

"Oh, no - here we go with an earthquake...this is just the beginning shakes...this could be the 'big one.'"

Just when my mind was racing, I felt another shake. I thought, "oh, brother! Thank goodness my mom just sent me a forwarded email about what to do during an earthquake. Could this be the quake that sinks CA altogether? Good thing the Arizona Orvins flew home tonight."

I decided to say a prayer.

"Dear Heavenly Father. Please help me to be brave. Please give me strength to handle this earthquake. Please protect me and my family...(I realized my prayer was going the wrong direction) Heavenly Father, please bless that we do NOT have an earthquake."

I start waking up more. I instantly felt dumb. Not for my juvenile prayer (can't you just see a little girl saying, "please help me be brave"), but because I'm married to Cody. You see, if you know Cody well, you will probably know he is a professional leg shaker. He bounces it when sitting and shakes it when trying to fall asleep. The bed was shaking because he was shaking his leg to stay asleep.

So - there was no earthquake last night. Just a very tired mind. Phew.

(Once while we were dating, I was over at Cody's and we took a nap (me in the Pit and Cody on the couch). I woke up first and looked at Cody laying on his stomach. I thought he looked so handsome, when out of nowhere his hips start moving. My mind went from "he looks so handsome" to "he looks like he's humping that couch." He eventually woke up and I broke the news to him. AWKWARD. He laughed and informed me that he shakes his leg when he sleeps. And the longer I've known him the more 'real' his 'explanation' has become. He is always shaking or bouncing his leg, just as he did in bed last night.)


  1. First of all... thank you for letting us all know you guys were not napping together while you were just dating. Secondly, thank you for putting the image into my mind of Cody humping the couch. I thought only Haws did things like that! jk!!!!

  2. HAHAHA! I love it! I remember Cody shaking the bench at church, shaking the couch in their apt, everything was always shaking. I love your stories :)
