Monday, February 6, 2012

Sick Baby

Alivia's had a cold this week, and she takes after yours truly when it comes to symptoms - watery eye and watery, spontaneous snot nose. Poor girl. She is mostly better, thank goodness, because when our girl is sick, she wakes up in the middle of the night. And if you ask us, that's the worst symptom of all!


  1. Poor baby! We can't keep ourselves well either! We have a cold that started in December and has circulated through our family about 2.5 times. I'm sorry you're having to join those of us who wake up with babies in the night! I hope she's back to feeling well and sleeping well soon!

  2. So sad, poor girl. Having sick kids is the worst. It drives me nutty. Sorry to hear that she is disturbing your beauty sleep too... : )
