Tuesday, February 7, 2012

7 Months!!

This is a little late as always, but our little Livy girl is 7 months old (1-28-12).

*Alivia is sitting like a pro.

*She is getting on her hands and knees a lot. She certainly isn't crawling, but I sense it is on the horizon.

*Alivia now likes her baby food just fine. Some nights it seems like she is just tolerating it, but as long as it's not green beans, she's does fine.

*Alivia still loves, loves, loves people. She can be crying and hungry and tired, but the second she is placed in a social setting, she forgets her woes and becomes perfectly content to people watch.

*Alivia is learning how to kiss. It's cute. She gives wide open, wet kisses.

*Alivia is jumperoo trained. I swear, she only does a #2 mess if we place her in her jumperoo. I'm hoping this means she'll be easy to potty train in the future.

*Alivia goes down easily for naps and the night. She sleeps about 12 hours at night and has two or three naps a day totaling 4 hours-ish.

*Her hair is growing in nicely these days - a light brown.

*She clicks her tongue a lot.

*She waves her hand sideways when it is close to the corner her mouth.

*She just sat in the restaurant high chair for the first time the other day.

I just love her!

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