My Grandma Sprague (Bernice Eleanore Hardy Sprague, aka "Birdy") passed away recently on Sunday, September 19th. She was the perfect grandma: positive and loving. She had all the fun toys, the fun dress-up clothes - lipstick - and purses, the good food, the best "soft tickles" in sacrament meeting, and the most kind words after a recital or test or anything really. She lived a full life and was 90 years old when she passed.
I'm very lucky to have such an amazing family and enjoyed the time I had with my mother's side of the family the following weekend as we gathered in California for the service.
The service was tearful, meaningful, and beautiful. Here are pictures of the program table, the dessert table from the luncheon after the service, and the roses from my grandma's garden at the pulpit. She had a green thumb.

My grandmother always called us "sweet-hearts" or "angels". My nephew, Joshua, used to respond to her, "I'm not an angel Gigi (Great-Grandma), I'm Joshua LaMonte Davis and I'm 2." Identity was a sensitive thing for him at that age, he didn't let me call him a monkey or rascal or anything but his given name. Oh well.
I, on the other hand, always was happy to be called her angel. And now she's my angel in Heaven.
I'm very lucky to have such an amazing family and enjoyed the time I had with my mother's side of the family the following weekend as we gathered in California for the service.
The service was tearful, meaningful, and beautiful. Here are pictures of the program table, the dessert table from the luncheon after the service, and the roses from my grandma's garden at the pulpit. She had a green thumb.

My grandmother always called us "sweet-hearts" or "angels". My nephew, Joshua, used to respond to her, "I'm not an angel Gigi (Great-Grandma), I'm Joshua LaMonte Davis and I'm 2." Identity was a sensitive thing for him at that age, he didn't let me call him a monkey or rascal or anything but his given name. Oh well.
I, on the other hand, always was happy to be called her angel. And now she's my angel in Heaven.

Love You Robino...(sniff sniff)