Saturday, June 29, 2013

2 Blissful, Wonderful, Busy Years!!!!

Alivia is officially 2 years old.  She's a toddler.  She's getting so big and talking up a storm and really - honestly - she is a sweet and good little girl. 

I would detail her vocabulary here, but it has become too expansive.  She makes cute little errors though, like calling her Aunt Margot, "Marno," or calling the swing at the park "a wee."  She still says "Peas" and "D" for Please and Thank You.  But I've been working on Thank You with her and she'll say "Dink You" only when I slow her down and force her to say the whole phrase. 

Alivia is very affectionate and polite.  We taught her that to wake up someone, you should kiss them.  So if any of her Aunts or Uncles or grandparents are sleeping and she wants to interact with them, she'll simply give them a good 'ol kiss on the mouth and gosh darn it, it works like a charm every time.  After getting in trouble, she is good to say sorry quickly and give hugs and kisses.  She went through a phase of kissing us on both cheeks like a European, but that phase seems to be dying off.  She still seems to get "jealous" when I kiss Cody or he kisses me.  She will jump in between us and kiss both of us after saying "ME!".   And a personal victory for Mom is that she says, "excuse me, (mama, or dada)" when she wants our attention.  It was a lesson for when I'm on the phone or in conversation.  Unfortunately, although the words are polite and appropriate, she'll say "excuse me, mama" over and over until I acknowledge her.  Patience is a hard thing for a 2 year old, especially when she needs your attention :)

Our Livy girl loves the park, loves to read books, loves the beach, loves her family, loves sugar "num, nums," loves trains and planes and dogs, loves to swim, loves to watch movies of herself, loves to listen to the radio, loves her "blankie and bunny," loves to watch Bubble Guppies while having a morning "baba" (yikes - I know), loves to play in the car, loves to be independent (except she wants to be held a lot), and loves to get out her stool and watch Cody or I make something in the kitchen. 

Alivia is our curly haired, freckled, fair-skinned kid and we love her like crazy!

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