Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Out of This World

The t.v. show "Out of This World" was awesome. I didn't watch it every week, but I did watch it every now and then. The show's main character was a half alien, half human teenage girl who could stop time by connecting her two index fingers. And since my baby Alivia is growing and changing before my very eyes...I wish I could acquire those alien powers so that I could stop time and enjoy Alivia's newborness for as long as I wished.

Alivia has hit her one month mark. That's right folks. We are rocking the feeding, changing diapers, burping, and keeping a tiny human alive thing. At her doctor's appointment this past week, my little Livy was the following:

Weight: 9.5 pounds (50%)
Height: 21.5 inches (75%)

She's still cute and small and precious...but she's getting bigger and more alert and I'm watching time fly. Cody says I can have another newborn when Alivia is an adorable two year old...but I don't want another one...I want her...as a newborn...again and again and again. Too bad that's not possible.

Well, maybe it is. Is cloning legal yet? Now I'm thinking!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm only a couple weeks behind you guys. My little one is a week and two days and I'm so sad about how fast time is going. I look at pictures from the day she was born and am amazed at how much she has changed already. They grow WAY too fast :(
