Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where we started...

I've been reading a friend's blog lately where she recently documented how she and her husband began dating, in three blog installments. It was very entertaining and informative and I found myself annoyed with her when she took too much time to post the third installment. Just goes to show how demanding I can be as a blog stalker, and how much I love me a good love story.

I like the idea of doing the same, especially since I'm planning on making this blog into a journal/scrapbook. I think the posterity will enjoy the story of how we began. I'm going to try to get Cody to write his version, because, of course, they are very different. But I make no promises on his behalf. And hopefully, some of you will actually read this whole thing, but remember, I'm long-winded and detail oriented. Plus, I make no promises of being as entertaining as was my inspiration for this blog. Let's just try to give this a go, shall we?

Here is my version of the beginning.

I was horribly lost trying to find FHE. I forgot the number of my FHE dad, Derek’s apartment and finally needed to call someone who was already at the apartment for the number. I felt stupid going, but felt obligated to support my assigned FHE family, felt I had to put myself “out there” for some dating blessings, not to mention that I was Relief Society President and would have felt guilt had I purposely ditched a ward activity with no good excuse. So, when I finally found the apartment, I was partly relieved and partly hoping I would have never been able to find the apartment. It would have subsided my guilt, alleviated my stupid feeling, still given me points for “dating blessings” because after all, I had tried, and I would have had another opportunity in the future to support my FHE family. But given that I had found the apartment, I turned the knob without knocking (because I was late) and made a grand entrance because I walked in on the middle of the spiritual thought. The evening felt very normal and familiar thereafter. Just a typical FHE. After the thought and some dessert, Derek introduced me to his roommates and when I was introduced to Cody, I figured he must like me. He made eye contact with me and held his gaze longer than most men would on first meeting a new female. I thought he looked extremely tan, short, and semi-built in his good fitting, well-worn jeans and green T. I had an impression, but it was fleeting and as more time elapsed, I didn’t think anything of Cody or his possible attraction toward me. The evening continued as normal and I left FHE when I got tired.

I often saw Cody after that FHE. First off, I noticed him more because I had met him, but I also noticed him more because I thought he liked me. I would see him at church, some casual game nights, church activities, and of course, FHE. On one particular occasion, I was invited to a game night party I knew he would be attending. It was an inconvenient invitation, considering I had plans to attend the temple, then dine and see a movie with my friend. But, knowing that I wanted Cody to like me (and that I looked ridiculously cute in my temple attending outfit), I forced myself to “make an appearance” at the game night…to fuel Cody’s affection as well as any other cute boy who might attend the party. It was 20 minutes to the party from the temple, 10 minutes at the party, and 20 minutes to meet my friend at dinner. The whole party cameo cost a lot in time, convenience, and gas, but I really wanted to see Cody. Which, at this point, was interesting since I wasn’t convinced I was attracted to him. All I knew was I wanted him to be attracted to me and that if nothing else, I was keeping my options open and my ego stroked.

Then, at a Christmas inspired FHE, we went caroling at a senior citizen home. Oh, how I hate to go caroling. I always think the group of carolers I happen to sing with sound horrible (including myself). I also assume that the people who have to suffer through our songs don’t entirely enjoy the music. I just know that if someone was to knock on my door and break out in song, I would feel awkward for them and myself. This FHE was no different, and after a few songs sung by the group to one or two residence, I excused myself from the group mid-song. I just couldn’t stand the discomfort any longer. I found my brother Redge in the lobby. Apparently, our uncomfortable reaction to caroling is genetic and we both had some good laughs at how bad the group sounded in the other room and at how little the residence seemed to enjoy the music. But the evening wasn’t a total waste. After returning to the church for some cookies, Derek, Cody, and their other roommate Jeff invited me and two other girls to a late dinner at Chili’s. It was the first time I really conversed with Cody in a small setting. We all introduced our friends to each another, Larissa introducing me and Derek introducing Cody and so forth. I would fill in the blanks or correct Larissa’s errors as did Larissa for mine. I distinctly remember Cody trying to correct Derek when he described Cody as the most even tempered person he has ever met: never raising his voice, never feeling anger. I also remember Derek describing Cody as hard working and a brilliant business entrepreneur. And these descriptions interested me.

After dinner that evening, I received a friend request from Derek on facebook, who stated that he had enjoyed reading my wall and looking at my pictures with Cody. Derek said that they both concluded that I was hilarious.

On another occasion, I stayed too late at FHE. Three girls: Larissa, Angie, and I stayed after FHE had concluded and just talked with the boys: Derek, Jeff, and of course, Cody. After finally deciding it was entirely too late to be at someone’s home on a Monday night, I decided it was time for me to leave and retire to my bed. On my way home, I texted Cody to apologize for overstaying my welcome. He responded, quickly, something to the effect of, “I wish you would have stayed longer… I usually don’t go to bed until 2 am.” I found the text adorable.

On the last FHE before Christmas, we met at Old Navy as a group to buy presents for an adopted family. I arrived late, as usual, after doing some Christmas shopping of my own. After walking around Old Navy with a green and gray scarf on, I discarded it at the register, with hesitation, knowing that my money was disappearing and the last thing I needed was another thing for me. I complained to the group that I always go Christmas shopping with the intention of buying presents for family, and only end up finding (and buying) items for myself. After my diatribe, the group checked out and walked to the parking lot to get in our cars and head over to a ward member’s house for goodies. In the parking lot, Derek told Cody to ride with me back to the house, in my car. Derek at this point was always telling me or Cody to “go sit next to” the other and other like schemes, so him suggesting Cody go with me without good explanation wasn’t odd or at all surprising. I always found Derek’s propositions very “Junior High-ish,” and sometimes purposely didn’t follow his suggestions because they were awkward or because I, at the time, did’t like being told where to sit or who to talk to, but I figured Derek was helping Cody get close to me so I didn't protest the taxi service scheme. Cody too obliged Derek’s suggestion and we had a pleasant, short ride to the ward member’s house. The conversation mostly surrounded my shopping ventures of the day. Upon arriving at the house, I showed him my finds and received his opinions which extended the ride by a minute or two. The rest of the evening was mingled with other FHE goers and I hardly saw Cody after that.

Christmas was approaching quickly. I went to some last minute Christmas parties before heading up to Montana for the holiday. I went to my friend Charity’s house for one of these parties. I remember dying my quickly fading brown to gray hair and straightening it, thinking that my look had drastically improved and that Cody hadn’t seen my hair straight before. But after talking to Derek at the party, I learned that Cody had already headed up to Utah for his Christmas break and then off to D.C. for a vacation with some friends. I thought, “oh well, too bad.” And looked for another boy to flirt with.

Then, the next day, I went to my parents for laundry and checked their mail. I noticed a package which said Cody’s name on it. I initially thought “why is someone mailing Cody a package and using my address.” Then after a crazy trail of thought, I opened the package to see the very same scarf I had wanted at Old Navy days earlier. Cody had thought to send it to me…had stated in his card that he was at Old Navy again doing another Sub for Santa family, was sure my holiday wouldn’t be complete without the scarf, and thought to buy it for me. He also stated in his card that he hoped to get to know me better in the new year.

I sent him a facebook, thank you email,

“Wow! I am super impressed by you. I went to get the mail late this afternoon and found your package. Like a true airhead I looked at the package and thought, 'why did someone mail cody something at my address.' Ha! In another second I realized that you were the sender and thought, 'oh great, did I leave something at fhe on monday?' You can tell I don't often find myself the recipient of unexpected gifts. Well, I was sick of the guessing game so I opened the package to find my scarf. I have been wearing it all night. I'll catch my reflection every now and then and smile as I think of your thoughtfulness and surprise package.

A very unexpected delight indeed. Thanks for making another Thursday be a very special one. I adore your gift and appreciate the type of person you must be to have thought to mail it to me (braving the post office during the holiday season takes some real balls - and remembering what a girl likes and making her happy by gifting it to her takes a big heart :).

Have a very merry christmas cody and enjoy your travels. Kiss the east coast for me. I miss it.


p.s. my friend proposed to you tonight behind your back. she, like most of us girls, is a sucker for a good 'ol fashion gentleman. she is quite the male critic so I believe a congratulations is in order. Your mama raised you right!”

I tried to be articulate and complimentary in my email, after all, it was an extremely nice gesture. I was flirty, but simple for me. He responded days later,

“Im glad that you liked the scarf, actually, i knew you would because you were fawning over it at fhe. I find it sad that you are not often the recipient of gifts, hope that changes for you this Christmas and beyond.

I will give your warmest regards to the East Coast, but if the weather there is anything like it is here in Utah right now, I'm not sure I will be in the best mood to be delivering warm regards. I'm dreaming of an Orange County Christmas this year.

Hope you have a great Christmas and New Year.


If you do anything fun with fellow members of the ward, send an invite to Derek because he is all alone there until January 3rd.”

And it was confirmed, Cody liked me. Because no man writes in a card, “I hope to get to know you better in the New Year,” and buys a scarf for a girl, without implying he likes said girl.

Now I just needed to confirm that I liked him…but before the New Year, I had a vacation to Montana with the family planned and a co-ed New Year’s Eve celebration in Las Vegas. And you never can be sure about anything when going to Vegas in a group of Mormon singles. I could have a boyfriend before the Vegas weekend even ended and before Cody returned to CA and had a chance to “get to know me better” (aka ask me out).


  1. anxiously awaiting the 2nd installment...

  2. I'm loving it so far! We need to go to DC again. It'd be more fun with you there. I guess you were there in Cody's mind even though the little stinker didn't even mention he had a love interest at the time!

  3. I had the exact same thought as Britney...I don't remember him saying that he had a love interest either. You'd think we were close enough friends for him to share...especially after sharing a bed for a week. :)
    P.S. "braving the post office during the holiday season takes some real balls"...favorite line of the whole post.

  4. Robin I love it. I know we don't know each other that well or at all really (I taught with Cody in Mexico), but because I know cody I feel like I know you. I love hearing your story and I can't wait to hear more. Please feel free to blog stock me all you want :) Ps. I am so very happy for you guys and the new adventures of parenthood coming up for your!
    Sincerely Angela Walters
