Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mouse Update

So, I'm 21 weeks as of yesterday. I'm feeling much, much better and enjoying food more...although I did have some of my dinner last night resurface after looking at some old cut up bananas and not getting ahold of the ensuing gagging episode. Good news is I didn't pee my pants in the process. Also, I ate too much dinner and felt gross until 20 minutes after I vomited. I know that sounds a bit bulimic-ish, but oh well.

My belly is growing like a weed, which hopefully means the mouse is growing too. I'll catch glimpses of my body in the mirror and just shake my head in disbelief. It is really wierd to see my body change, which is odd because I knew very well my stomach would grow and have witnessed other's expanding bellies my whole life. But it is still so wierd to me.

I feel kicks all day long, but Cody hasn't felt any yet. Either my layer of fat around the uterus is interfering, or Cody's impatience is not giving the mouse enough time to give him a good kick.

Sleeping is still good, but not as good as it was before the mouse. I'm a tummy sleeper at heart and have always slept on and loved hard mattresses. Funny thing is when I was home last at my parents, sleeping on the bed I slept on for 20 years, my back hurt from the hard mattress and getting comfortable was difficult. Who knew I'd miss my blow-up bed here in AR?

The only other news is I've had to reduce the amount of time I take showers as well as the water temperature. I was having near fainting spells and was having low blood pressure. It was trippy. All of a sudden, mid washing, I'd feel faint, get nauseous, think I was about to have diarrhea, and the only thing that helped me feel better was opening the shower curtain while laying at the bottom of the tub. I'm happy to report no more spells, but my legs are a bit pricklier because shaving with goose-bump is pointless.

I'll post pictures of my belly soon. Until then, remember that our baby's first ultrasound showed an adorable mouse...and until I hold a baby in my arms, or know the gender, this growing belly has an adorable, and adnormally large, mouse inside.

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