Friday, March 4, 2011

Bad Things get Worse...

example: good legs

As a single woman, I always knew that any man who married me wouldn't be a "legs" man. And it was a question I asked Cody when we were dating...just in case he was such a man and hadn't notice how bad my legs really were. He responded that he was an entire package type of guy, and although I knew great legs ran in Cody's family (his mom even has better legs than I do and she's had 7 pregnancies), he was perfectly content marrying a woman who had less attractive legs. And in my case, less attractive includes (but is not limited to): white, veiny, large, cankle ankles, with little-to-no knee definition.

Now, in all honesty, my legs haven't bothered me that much. I know that most people when speaking poorly about a body part are either looking for response comments which totally discredit their deprecating complaints (thereby momentarily increasing their esteem) or they are saying such a comment because they simply can't contain their all consuming hatred for that body part. But not me. I simply acknowledge that my legs are less attractive than most out there, but I certainly don't HATE them. And why should I wallow or have bad self-esteem about the attractiveness of my legs anyway? After all, my legs work, which is reason enough not to HATE them...and I do have an impressive shin muscle (ask any time and I'll show you the big leg guns). Plus, ugly legs have kept this girl modest. Wearing mini anythings, skirts, shorts, or otherwise wouldn't have been pretty, and certainly wouldn't have produced any desirable outcome.

So, I've embraced my unattractive legs as a fact and a very minor component in my overall presentation. My legs are not a reflection of my attractiveness, and there is a long list of personality traits and weaknesses that occupy my "worry time" before my silly 'ol legs.

Well, enter pregnancy #1 - the mouse. I don't know if it was hormones gone crazy or what, but I absolutely broke down yesterday when I realized that my legs had indeed gotten uglier. Spider veins are making a strong debut and it looks like varicose veins are emerging. And although I expected such things to occur, I certainly didn't expect to be so upset about it. I even held back tears while at work yesterday and later in the night, as I was researching surgical hose and looking at the suckers.

Now it's not like I'm going from great legs to bad. I'm just going from bad to worse. And although I'm an emotional person, pregnancy hasn't seemed to make me any more emotional than my previously emotional self. So if my legs were ok being bad before the pregnancy, why aren't they ok now?

And after reflecting, I can only say "Who knows!" Because even as I write this stupid post, I'm inclined to feel sorry for my legs. It hits me - like a wave. Because my legs have already had a rough road, and they've been good little - well big - legs, and their future looks grim with many more months to this pregnancy and more pregnancies planned for the future.

Onto other exciting news, I had my first yeast infection ever thanks to typical second trimester hormones (at least that's what I've been told). It wasn't so bad really, and since it was my first ever, I have no room to complain. My symptoms were very mild and there were hours upon hours that I'd forget I even had an infection, so I've been quite lucky.

To top of my record, I've really only ever had one bladder infection. And with that infection, my one and only symptom was that I had to pee more, and I woke up in the middle of night to pee. There was no discomfort, just inconvenience.

I guess we can't have it all, and if I've only had one bladder and yeast infection in my life with extremely mild symptoms, then I certainly am due to have some other problems...namely of the ugly leg variety.

And before I sign off, can I just request a moment of silence for my formally semi-unattractive legs and another moment of acceptance for my new, full blown nasty legs.

And now I'm going to try to put this leg silliness to rest. Because at the end of the day, Cody always reminds me of how lucky we are to be with child...and how at the end of the day, we'll have a cute little bundle of joy - worth any sacrifice. And he's right about that. And he's a love who deserves some big pats on the back, because when I was telling him about my leg situation, he was upset with me for making disparaging remarks about the mother of his future child. He's very protective of me, even when I'm the insulter.


  1. You are so hilarious! I have the ugliest legs of anybody. I just have to remember, like you, they do function. I also say a line from a poem I was once heard, "Lord, forgive me when I whine I have two legs the world is mine." By the way I really enjoy your RS lessons. Tammy D.

  2. Let me know if you want to borrow some medical tights! I have a whole bag of them! Seriously. I HATE THEM! At least your legs are not veiny AND painful!

  3. Just for the record, you just blogged about a yeast infection. That's all. Can't wait until you guys get back and you can just tell me these lovely details in person. Love you.
