Friday, May 31, 2013

Saying good-bye...

In March, we bid a final farewell to one of Livy's bestest friends, her pacifier.  It was necessary.  She was 20 months old.  Her moods were becoming too dependent on whether the pacifier was in her mouth or outside of her mouth, and I could not handle the moodiness and dependency.  Plus, heaven forbid we ever forgot the pacifier at home.  Oh, and she was the only nursery attendee with a pacifier.  And that is just too darn embarrassing. 

The process started a week prior to our trip to Utah for a family wedding, in a couple of days she was pacifier free, but a bout of vomiting and travel set us back.  Upon our return home with returned health, and on the night of a very impossibly difficult day of too many Livy melt-downs (and one from Mommy), we again pulled the plug.  And after about two days, we were so much happier!

It's just so silly that the one thing that soothed her the best became a crutch for crankiness.  She is still having a bottle 2-3 times a day before sleep (which I'm not hyper to discard - judge away :)), but Mr. Pacifier has been gone since March!  And once this woman turns two we'll revisit the bottle situation, but for now, we'll just give ourselves some points for staying strong during the pacifier withdrawals.  Those two days were quite the test in perseverance and patience! 
Because she really did love her paci.

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