Monday, April 1, 2013


Man, do I love make-up.  I don't have to wear it all the time, like today for example, it's 4:30 pm and I've gone to Target, Walmart, the grocery store, and the park without any make-up on.  None.  But, although I don't have to have it on, I've noticed that I sure do feel more polished and attractive when I wear it.

Well, it appears as though Alivia has taken note.  And whenever I am putting on my make-up, and she wants to join in, I give her some of my lotion to put on her face...
and I call it make-up...
and I ask her if she loves it...
and she smiles all proud and nodes yes. 

If only lotion could make me feel the way make-up did, my life would be so much more inexpensive and time efficient.

Anyway, the other morning I was getting ready and applying my make-up and wasn't paying enough attention to what Alivia was doing.  And when I realized she was as quiet as she's ever been, I found her doing this...

Not to be critical, but her application was horrific.  She put eye-shadow on her cheek and she only applied make-up to her right side.  It was completely unbalanced.  Totally too heavy.  And absolutely ADORABLE!  I grabbed the camera and told her she was a cutie pie.  I could tell she felt so amazing and proud and grown-up.
And so I let her go to the store with her make-up on, poor application and all.  Because after all, she doesn't care how I look when we go to the store, and it would be unfair for me to wash away her artwork and subsequent esteem!

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