Sunday, February 5, 2012


I love Kelly Clarkson. I just do. She has a great voice and did well singing the National Anthem.

I think my favorite commercial was the m&m one in the club where the red m&m takes off his shell and dances to "I'm sexy and I know it".

There were so many, too many car commercials, but if I had to pick my favorites, they are the fiat one, the Honda CRV one with Matthew Brod., and the Detroit one with Clint Eastwood.

Half-time was so so.

I've never seen a network plug a show as much as NBC plugged Smash.

That's it. No football talk today.

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% with everything you said. EVERYTHING. I keep thinking of that M&M commercial and CRACKING up. I made Rich rewind it 2ce. SO funny. I'm gonna go watch again right now. Feel better Alivia!
